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These Kid’s Fashion Trends are Here to Stay Long!

Gone are the days when colorful clothes were only referred to as kid’s fashion. Today, fashion trends among kids are evolving at the same pace as adult fashion has seen constant changes over time. For the parents desiring their kids to flaunt trending fashion, this is a must-read blog to know more about children’s fashion.

Fashion keeps on evolving just like a constant change. This change is now evitable in the kid’s fashion segment as well. The days for parents to simply get their child dressed in colorful attires have long gone. In fact, kids these days are well aware of different fashion trends. Thus, for parents with a good sense of fashion, here we talk about the ongoing kid’s fashion trend that will help you to make choices for only the trending fashion products for kids.

Color Block Apparels and Shoes–

The new on fashion trend among the adults and kids wear as well is the Color-blocked apparel and shoes. Be it a color-blocked jacket, shirt, skirt, dress, or shoe, color-blocked fashion is much loved these days. The geometrical amalgamation of different color block printing or patterns is also available in pastel shades too.

Polka Dots –

The 80’s trend of polka dots is back with a bang! Be it adult fashion for kid’s fashion, polka dots are trending a lot these days. Polka Dots on dresses, shirts, skirts, t-shirts, gowns, and other such garments have made it to the list of kid’s fashion recently. You can also find the best apparel for your kid with polka dots from any children’s clothes shop online or offline.

Tie and Dye Clothing

The once-popular trend of Tie-Dye clothing especially in India is back on trend with its new version all around. Not just the mix of colors but also new patterns and styles of tie and dye clothing are made available everywhere these days. You can find extensive varieties of tie and dye frocks, shirts, t-shirts, maxi dresses, and a lot more in kid’s fashion.

Checkered Patterns

Be it a shirt, jacket, dress, skirt, shoes, bags, or any other fashion apparel or accessory you can think of, it is available in checkered patterns. In fact, it was never out of fashion. Checks have been trending forever. Thus, you can always buy something of this pattern, weave or print to style your kid anytime.

Pastel Shades

The trend of pastel colors started from kid’s fashion and later it found huge love in adult fashion too. Now after taking inspiration from adult fashion, the trend of pastel-colored kid’s clothing is back in new versions. Talk about a lehenga, skirt, shirt, shoes, trousers, jackets, dresses, or any other clothing you can think of, an extensive and beautiful variety of clothing and accessories is available in soothing and unique pastel shades these days. 

When you desire to get your little one dressed following any of the fashion trends, you can simply visit Little Tags. The online kid’s clothing store offers the most extensive line of products from the best children’s clothing brands and designer labels. 

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4 Kids Outfits That are Going to Rule During this Summer!

When deciding on the best summer outfit for your kid it is obvious to feel puzzled every time. It’s not just the fabric to consider, it is also the comfort factor that the clothing is supposed to provide your kid. So, what is it that is extremely comfortable, designed in breathable fabric, and super stylish too to dress your baby during the summers? Let’s discuss in detail about the best kids dress that is going to rule during the summers. 

Undeniably summer is one of the most challenging seasons for every parent. It is the season when kids love spending a lot of their time playing outdoors with their friends. However, for parents, it is the season to save their kids from adverse weather conditions. So, when you simply need a guide on the best summer outfit then these are the 4 best options to consider – 

Cotton Dresses For Girls – 

It can be nothing better than dressing little girls in cotton dresses during summers. Cotton is the only fabric that parents must prefer to dress their child during hot and humid days. Thus, the simple pastel-colored dresses made of 100% cotton are simply the best as the fabric is breathable and remains soft on the sensitive skin of kids. It can be a simple embroidered or other stitch detailing dress with some cartoon prints on it that can be chosen to dress little girls for their day out or during their playtime. 

Set of Cotton T-Shirt with Shorts For Boys – 

For the little boys, this is one of the best clothing options during summers. The set of Cotton t-shirts paired with cotton shorts is undeniably one of the most comfortable outfits to promote their playtime fun. Cotton being the most breathable fabric with maximum sweat absorption capability makes cotton-made clothing an excellent option to consider. Thus, the set of cotton t-shirts with shorts is simply the best to dress little boys during the hot and humid days. 

Cotton Jumpsuit For Girls – 

Another immensely comfortable clothing solution to dress little girls during summers is the jumpsuit. These days jumpsuits are available in an unimaginable variety of different styles, prints, patterns, cut, length, and much more. The ideal ones for little girls for a day out or during their playtime are knee-length jumpsuits with sleeveless or half sleeve patterns. However, only a cotton jumpsuit of any length or pattern can make your baby girl comfortable during the summers because of being soft on the skin and has high sweat absorption power. 

Combo of Casual Shirt with Knee Length Pants- 

To dress your little man during summers, the combo of casual cotton shirts with knee-length pants is an amazingly stylish option. A wide array of these is available with various kids fashion brands in soothing color combinations that give a super stylish look to little boys. It can be anytime when they can wear it. Be it during their playtime, while traveling, on a day out with family, or even during special events during summers. Just make sure to buy the combo of cotton fabric only. 

Now when you know what are the ideal options to make when shopping for kids dresses online shopping for summers then it’s time to browse the website of Little Tags. The reliable online kid’s shopping store has to offer premium kid’s wear collection from different designer labels and the best kid’s clothing and accessory brands. 

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5 Most Comfortable Newborn Clothing Selections to Make as a New Parent!

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For every new parent, it is obvious to feel extremely doubtful and worried about giving the best care to the newly born baby. And, the first thing to start newborn baby care is through clothing. Thus, when it comes to the selection of the most comfortable newborn baby dress, this is the must-read blog for every new parent to get ideas on super comfortable clothing for the infant with sensitive skin. 

The happiness of becoming a parent is indescribable. However, with the abundance of happiness arises an abundance of worries about the care of the newly born baby for every parent. And, when it is the worry about the right clothing selection for the baby, here are three essential factors to consider. 

  1. Assure the fabric of the attire is 100% cotton 
  2. Make sure it’s the softest on the sensitive skin of the baby. 
  3. Only buy the best-fitted clothes for the baby that are not too tight or loose on the baby.

However, when it is to buying infants clothes that are the most comfortable ones for kids to wear then these are the ones to consider- 

Baby Onesies 

For little ones, this is one of the idealistic options because of the comfort it offers to the baby. Also, these are super comfortable for the parents as it allows easy change of diapers every time by simply unbuttoning from the bottom of the outfit. These come in pure cotton materials and are the most preferred option among kids. Buy at least 6 to 7 of these for the little one but not more considering the regular growth of the child. 

Baby Rompers 

Just like the previous option, baby rompers are also much preferred by the parents to dress up their infant baby. These are comfortable because they are available in cotton fabric and just like onesies, these give easy access to parents for changing diapers. The best thing is its availability in different patterns which makes it an excellent option for styling them with one while going out with the baby. As a parent, you must own 5 to 7 of these in different patterns. 

Baby Kimonos 

Another amazingly comfortable option to dress up the baby boy or baby girl is the kimono. You can find it as a kimono dress or kimono top. These are extremely comfortable as they have the side opening running through the neck to the bottom of the attire. This makes it super easy to wear and to undress the baby. Buy at least 5 of these for your infant. 

Baby Sleepers 

Since infants sleep the most, thus baby sleeper dresses become the best option to get them dressed in for the initial months. You can get the baby dressed in these for the longest time as these are designed to assure the comfort of the infant during its sleep. As a new parent, you must own around 7 baby sleepers. But refrain from buying more than that as the baby will quickly outgrow the size. 

The key to assuring the comfort of the baby regarding the clothing is by making the right choice in terms of fabric, fit, and wearability. If the attire you chose is comfortable while dressing and undressing then you made the right choice. To buy newborn clothes online India from international brands and designer labels, Little Tags Luxury is the name of the website to visit and shop for premium kid’s clothing for every age group. 

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Kids Clothing Online!

When it comes to shopping for kids, there are endless considerations to make. Thankfully, we got the ease of online shopping that has cut down the time and efforts of traditional offline shopping methods. However, there are ample things that require consideration when shopping for kid’s wear online. 

The entire process of shopping for kid’s wear or kid’s essentials is not a joke. It’s a serious task that requires consideration of ample factors. Especially when buying baby clothes online either from premium kidswear brands or usual brands, it becomes a matter of the fit, your choice, your kid’s preference, it needs to be a comfortable one, the size should be appropriate, it must fit well, and should be stylish too. In addition, it must fit into your budget too.

The list is pretty long. Thus, shopping for kid’s wear traditionally through local stores may seem an effort-making and time-talking task for parents with never-ending chores. Comparatively, online babywear shopping may seem less effort making and a much more time-saving method of shopping for the little ones. However, when buying babywear online, one must avoid making these 5 mistakes, such as –

Not Planning in Advance – 

One of the biggest mistakes parents make is not planning in advance to buy clothing or accessories online for the little one. It can be any festivity, celebratory moment, or anything coming up when shopping for something for the little one may require prior planning. In such a situation, even a little delay in the delivery due to any reason may land you into a situation of having no time to shop.  

Avoid Giving Preference to Style Over Comfort – 

Parents these days are very sensible about kid’s fashion and opt for

designer wear online for kids.

But, overlooking comfort with style is one of the biggest mistakes to make. The extensive kid’s wear collection may seem very lucrative regarding style and designs. However, it will be the fabric of the baby clothing, its finish, and the pattern of the attire that will assure the comfort of the outfit on the baby. Thus, going through all such details on the website is immensely important. 

Not Reading Product Details & Size Information – 

Another biggest mistake a parent does while shopping online for the little one is ignoring the product details and size information. That’s the most vital information to never ignore before buying any outfit for the kid. Everything like the fabric details, embellishment or stitching details, colour details and size details are mentioned in the product details section on the website. Thus, it’s important to go through the details before purchasing. 

Shopping From Unreliable Web Store – 

The biggest mistake someone can make while shopping anything online is purchasing anything from an unreliable web store. Many online stores come up with cheap offers and deliver poor-quality products or services. Thus, it is always important to not get lured by unbelievable offers. Although some genuine online stores with recent establishments may offer discounts, but it is to note that the number of web stores with unethical practices is more. Therefore, it is essential to check out the reviews of the customers at independent reviewing sites regarding the online store and then consider shopping further.

Ignoring the Product Return Policies – 

When shopping online, you can’t afford to miss reading the product return policies. Apart from the websites having good return policies, there are websites with almost no return policy. Many companies offer product returning services but do not provide shipping services for returning any product. 

This is how not ignoring return policies is an important factor of consideration, especially when buying baby clothes online. It is advisable as sizes and fit vary from brand to brand and in situations of wrong product delivered or product with bad fitting or incorrect size, web stores with good return policies can only help.

Overlooking Shipping Charges – 

There are many online stores with no shipping charges, some charge on small amount orders and some even charge for the return of the product too. It is advisable to check shipping charges before placing an order as some websites lure people with reasonable offers and charge huge for delivery. It is good to be aware of the delivery charges before. 

Online shopping for kid’s wear can be an unimaginably hassle-free task with consideration of all these factors. One of the trusted names for designer online shopping for baby clothing is Little Tags. Along with kid’s wear from designer labels, the online store is known for offering clothing and accessories from international brands too. 

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3 Trending Styles to Give a Stylish Update to Your Kid’s Wardrobe!

Just like you update your wardrobe with the trendiest outfits, your kids may demand an update quite fast than yours. They outgrow the size of the cloth they already own because of their incessant growth. And, when updating your kid’s wardrobe is a necessity, do not forget to shop for these 3 most trending styles. 

Children’s fashion is revolutionizing every day just like the adult fashion industry. Nowadays, parents are no more opting for just basic functional baby clothes to dress their child rather they are now making choices for baby outfits that are functional and stylish at the same time. The impact of such a trend is creating the availability of fashionable baby clothes at offline and online kids clothing stores. So, when it comes to buying kid’s clothing, parents these days are making sensible choices for functional, comfortable, and stylish clothing. 

So, parents in search of fashionable clothes, here are some trending styles that are the must-haves in every kid’s wardrobe. 


Checks have been in fashion forever. In fact, checks are one of the favorite patterns of ace designers based worldwide. Check skirts are in fact tagged as one of the classiest outfits in women’s fashion. Likewise, check shirts have been loved by classy men for ages now. Taking inspiration from the established fashion world, you can update the wardrobe of your little one with the best-checkered clothing. It can be a checkered skirt, check dress, check shirt, and even a check shirt dress, dungaree, or pants that you can buy for your daughter. The parents of a son can opt for checkered shirts, check formal suit, pants, a t-shirt, shorts, and even a tie.

Funky Prints 

Kid’s fashion is never complete without funky prints. So, when refreshing the wardrobe of your little one, never miss adding some funky print clothing to your kid’s clothing range. It can be a funky cartoon print, superhero print, or funky geometric print on shirts, t-shirts, pants, dungaree, capris, dresses, and others that you can opt to dress your little one. For parents of a newborn, buying some cool baby romper set in funky prints can do the job of creating a stylish clothing collection for the little one. 


Stripes are one of those styles that had never been out of fashion. Be it in adult fashion or kid’s fashion, stipes have been loved for eternities. So, it can be t-shirts, shirts, dresses, rompers, dungarees, pants, skirts, shorts, or even traditional Indian wear that you can shop to update your child’s wardrobe designed in stripes. It can be horizontal stripes, vertical stripes, and even highly trending asymmetrical or slanted stripes in different colour patterns or combinations that you can choose from the kids fashion clothes available online or offline. 

So, now that you know what to add to your little one’s wardrobe and give it a stylish update, browse Little Tags Luxury to find the most stylish kid’s wear from top international brands and designer labels to shop online. The website is currently amplifying its collection with the regular addition of new international brands that are acclaimed for stylish and high-end kid’s fashion wear. 

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3 Colour Combinations in Kid’s Clothing that will be Trending this Summer!

Do you always feel confused about dressing your child in the right color combination according to the weather? If yes, then during the approaching summers across India, you must know about the trending summer dressing color combinations that will be trending in kid’s fashion. 

Colors matter the most when dressing a kid during any specific weather. They add in the vibe of the season and also give a sense of comfort during the peak time of any season. This is the reason that we have been following the trend of wearing dark shades during the winters as they absorb the heat and give the feeling of warmth during cold days. And when it’s summer season around, we tend to wear light-colored clothes as it gives a sense of calmness and soothes the eye. 

Thus, when it is to style your kid, the same fashion rule applies in kid’s fashion too. Despite the simple rule of darker and lighter shades, these trending color-coordinated options will help you style your child in the trendiest way. In fact, the search for new born clothes online India will direct you to the web stores with such colour coordinated summer attires. 

Let’s discuss some trending colour combinations to style your kid during summers. 

The Classic: White + Blue 

The classic combination of white and blue is the much-loved one. Try incorporating the color combination with a classic white t-shirt and denim shorts, white shirt and blue skirt, white and blue dress, white and blue romper, white and blue kurta and jacket set, and other such options. There are endless ways of trying out the classic colour combination from the casual clothing range or the designer childrens clothes

The Soothing: Pastel Yellow + White 

One of the much-preferred colour combinations for summers is pastel yellow with white. The lighter shade of the yellow colour is soothing and when paired with something white, the calmness doubles. When dressing your little one in the pastel yellow and white, a pastel yellow formal shirt with white pants, a pastel yellow and white frock, the pastel yellow and white romper, a white crop top with white palazzo pants, and many other ways, you can style the colour combination on your child.

The Cheerful: Orange + Blue 

Conflicting with the lighter or pastel shades, the colour combination of orange and blue for summers is loved for the cheerful vibe. It can be a summer dress, orange shirt with blue pants, a skirt and t-shirt combo, swimwear, an orange t-shirt with blue shorts, and other such options of the same colour combination that can be paired in different ways. Your child may also love this colour combination for being bright and cheerful. 

The season of summer is loved by kids. They love going out, having fun-filled playtime with friends, spending holidays with family, and in many ways, summers are enjoyed by kids. To find such trendy colour coordinated summer special attires for your child, you can explore the offline and online stores. To explore the best collection from the children’s clothes brands, make a visit at Little Tags as the online store is reckoned for offering the most extensive line of kid’s clothing from designer labels and international brands. 

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These 3 Ethnic Wear Options for Little Boys Have Recently Made into the Trend!


Unlike the uncountable options that a woman or a baby girl has in the ethnic wear section, the men’s ethnic wear or traditional clothing selections for baby boys are very less. Thankfully the evolving fashion trends are adding to the traditional wear options currently. And, the recent trends in ethnic wear are giving some major fashion goals during the festivities or summer weddings. 

Every time while dressing a man or a little boy in traditional or ethnic attire there is that one feeling which bothers everyone is the availability of very limited options. The common options like kurta or Nehru jacket with kurta pajama feel very conventional that everyone might be opting for. Thus, standing out in the crowd becomes a little tricky task. 

Fortunately, with the constant evolution of fashion trends, the ethnic men’s wear section is getting an update with many new additions. Thus, for the parents of a little baby boy, the recent additions in the fashion trends have created many new options to style your little man. So, let’s discuss these trends in detail below – 

The Pleated Kurta with Belt – 

For the Style Statement look, this is the option for parents to get the little man dressed during any festivity or celebration. These are basically a kurta that is designed with different pleated styles and the look completes with a belt on the upper waist. Undoubtedly, dressing the little one in one such kurta will up the fashion game and he will stand out in the crowd of all the kids dressed in usual ethnic wear. 

Sherwani/Bandgala with Dhoti- 

It can be a Bandgala of short length or a regular sherwani that you can pair with a White Dhoti to dress your little man for the royal look. No wonder, an ethnic attire like this one will make your little man look handsome and stylish. Among adults, this is trending a lot because of the royal, neat, and sophisticated look it gives. You can find one for your little one at different online stores or in the collection of luxury kidswear brands in India

Mirror Work Kurta- 

While dressing for the festivities or celebratory moments, giving that bling-bling effect will definitely add to the vibes. A kurta with detailed mirror work is the option to do justice in giving that bling effect to your little handsome man. These days a very extensive variety of mirror work kurtas are available in colorful embroidery details. You can go with a white kurta with mirror work or for the colorful ones and even the printed ones. Moreover, you can pair these with an embroidered jacket and give a similar look to a Nehru jacket for wedding. 

Fortunately, these latest ethnic fashion wear styles have made their availability among different kid’s wear clothing labels and collections available online or offline. One of the trusted or much-preferred names for online stores to get these in most exquisite options is Little Tags. The online store brings the most extensive kid’s clothing selectable from the designer labels in India and top brands too. 

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These 5 Stripe Kids Wear are High on Trend!

Some trends are never out of fashion. Stripe print is one of those trends that has been in fashion incessantly. And when it is about kid’s fashion, stripe patterns and prints are always loved and much preferred by parents to dress their child. Let’s discuss in detail the 5 most preferred stripe kid’s clothing trends. 

Over the years, one fashion trend that has never been out of style has been the stripes. Today, we find an extensive or say unending variety in stripe prints and designs at the best site for baby clothes in India or even at the local stores. The broad stripes and narrow strip patterns and prints have been in fact favorite among kids. The mix of different colors or two-tone stripes has been loved by kids to get dressed in. However, if you are puzzled over the idea of the best stripe kids wear to shop for your little one, then here below are some recommendations for you – 

Striped Polo T-Shirt- 

Over the years, the trend of striped polo t-shirts has been loved by all. Thus, in kid’s fashion too, striped polo t-shirts have made a special preference among the parents to dress their child. Also, little boys love to wear striped polo t-shirts with trousers or knee-length shorts a lot and this has been the reason that there have been an endless variety of striped polo kid’s t-shirts available with various kid’s clothing brands as well as online and offline stores. However, the broad striped collar neck polo t-shirts are classy and much-loved ones. 

Striped Summer Dress – 

For the little girls, striped summer dresses have been a craze for years. These have been so popular or have been trending for so long that the thought of a summer dress comes with a picture of striped dresses in mind.  Apart from the endless variety of striped summer dresses, the blue and white, pink and white, and yellow with white striped summer dresses have been immensely popular. When it is about summers, striped dresses in pastel shades are however the most preferred ones. 

Striped Formal Shirts – 

Another immensely popular striped fashion among kids has been the striped formal shirts. Parents love getting their baby boys dressed in striped shirts of different styles, colors, and stripe thicknesses. Even some irregular stripe patterns in casual shirts have also been trending for quite some time. Undeniably, striped shirts will stay in fashion for long. 

Striped Jumpsuit – 

The most voguish stripe trend these days has been the striped jumpsuits. Among kid’s fashion, these have become a craze. In fact, for years, Jumpsuits have been a very comfortable outfit for parents to get their kids dressed in style, and when in striped patterns, these become a trendy option to doll up a kid of any age. Thus, popular kidswear brands in India and across the globe have striped jumpsuits for baby girls in amazing color combinations, styles, and prints. 

Striped Bodycon Dress- 

Talking about the immensely popular trend among dresses then it is undoubtedly the striped bodycon dresses. For little girls, there have been ample choices available at the best kids clothing stores online or offline. Although horizontal stripe dresses are trending these days, but dresses with slanted and vertical stripes are also trending a lot these days. To dress your kid in a striped bodycon dress, choose from colorful varieties available at online and offline stores. 

Shopping for kid’s wear is never a child’s play. For every parent, it involves a lot of research and constant learning as to what can be the best for their kid even if it’s kid clothing solutions. Thus, for the parents with specific requirements for baby clothing and accessories, Little Tags is one of the much-preferred online stores with a line of kid’s clothing from the best brands and designer labels. A vast variety of trendy striped, checkered patterns, pastel colors, dual-tone clothing, and a lot more is available at the store to shop for kids of different age groups.  

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